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New Customers

New Customers

If this is your first time here at ESA then we will need you to fill out a detailed registration form so that we gain a thorough understanding of your exact requirements and have up to date contact information. This data is 100% secure and is purely for us to be able to tailor our service to your individual needs.

Existing Customers

If you are an existing or returning client then you can view and edit your contact information and medical conditions from here. You can also add and remove students, view all class bookings and invoices. To book a class please call and talk to our experts.

Returning Customers

If you have swam with us before or even made an initial enquiry then we probably have all of your details already on file! If you have already registered then there is no need to do it again. Just contact us and we will reactivate your account to get you swimming.

to BOOK a class call our experts

You have just taken the first step in experiencing the ultimate in swimming tuition and coaching!

It’s so special to watch my boys progress in their lessons and love the water even more as they go. Liam is brilliant. Thank you

Susie Willis


I must let you know that although we have only had 5 lessons with you so far, I am more impressed with the progress that Jacob has made in just 5 lessons than he has made in 5 years of our previous swimming lessons! Clear instruction, superb attention to detail and sheer professionalism every step of the way.

Laura Davies

My children have loved the intensive half term course with Ryan, and I’ve enjoyed watching them progress so quickly. We will definitely be back!

Sophia Hodges

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We'll be in touch

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We will call you.